

Trilium wiki

Trilium wiki





A project started from the grind to create, edit, curate and prune my personal notes. I share some insights and tips about note taking once in a while.

Written in SolidJS, it is meant to be the viewing and exploratory medium to my heirarchal interlinked notes. Several learnings from past experiences went into it.

Currently private. (But hope to open the code later)




A startup I was a founding member of in 2023. We aimed to solve various problems in the data space and later pivoted to serving as a integration aggregator and dev tool for the hospitality industry.

I worked on the design and development of the product and the website. I created several prototypes, revamped the design of the website 4 times in 3 months as we pivoted from one idea to another.

I was involved in a high degree, but once I heard the call of design, I could not resist and left to start the studio.





A startup offering enterprise-first secure, reliable, and scalable webhook platform.

I collaborated with the founder, and in a 10 day sprint, we designed and developed the product interfaces, website, blog, docs, brand, illustrations.





Workduck was a no-code process automation platform for modern product teams. It aimed to help people to focus on product building by taking care of documentation, testing, and communication with stakeholders etc. It served as a central hub for organizing and collecting data from apps like Slack, GitHub, Jira, Linear, and more.

I worked on the frontend of the electron desktop app. I owned most features, from design to development. As the experience centered around a Rich Text editor with superpowers, I became intimately familiar with Text Editors, the DOM and the problems of the cursed re-renders.

Apart from the usual design of the brand of the company, website, and product design (and frontend); I got my hands on content marketing, SEO, and even a bit of sales. I created several prototypes, from rough ideations to high-fidelity interfaces.





I worked at fifthry when it was a documentation tool that integrated with Github Pull Request, to ensure that no code goes live without being updated in the documentation.

I worked on both the backend and frontend of the application. Written in Rust and Elm, in the specialized Realm framework. I worked in change requests, a feature similar to pull requests where I had to deal with versioning and diff of a text document.

I also contributed to the data and performance analytics stack for the backend that collected details of all calls made, with the functions that were called, in the order they were called, and what time they took.



Grameen Setu

Grameen Setu

GrameenSetu was an entry for InterIIT Tech 2021 as an all-in-one platform designed for rural producers to connect with SMEs.

The platform offers a user-friendly interface, an improved e-marketplace tailored to their needs, and promotes collaborations among rural producers to enhance the rural economy.

I led the tech team, designed and developed the frontend of the application. I also designed the logos and the branding for the project.

It won Gold @ InterIIT Tech 2021 in Drishtee’s Tech-led Innovation for Rural Entrepreneurs.




Listen to this KGP is a facebook group where people share songs they find interesting. While the group works for sharing, it is not that great of a place to listen to what has been shared.

LTTKGP webapp provides a way to browse and listen to the songs posted with a better interface and queued playlists.

I designed and developed the frontend with React/Typescript from scratch.

It gathers dust these days.




Monitor Assess Report Guide, was an entry for InterIIT Tech 2021, as a complete ecosystem for the citizens and government to ease the process of road maintenance and progress checking.

We tried to incorporate a sense of ownership towards their surroundings as well as to motivate them using the stories of other people who have successfully helped the government.

It won Gold @ InterIIT Tech 2020 in Coding hackathon. I worked on the design and frontend of the application.




Finbox is a fintech company that allows you to embed lending infratstructure in your application.

I worked on the landing page and the entire website from scratch. Using react-static, I generated static pages SPA navigation.

I also organized Design Sprints to target specific audiences, started from scratch with UI/UX to develop a unique brand identity for the company. Made personalized icons. illustrations, animations, etc.


React Static