Customize Ubuntu themes, icons and Shell

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  1. gtk+3 download
  2. gnome-tweak-tool
    sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get gnome-tweak-tool
  3. Install an gnome shell Extension
    sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-extensions
    Reboot after executing this command
    Then you can find a extensions named user themes
    Make it on


Install an GTK+ themes

  1. Download themes files from here.
  2. Decompression files use these commands
    xz -d filename.tar.xz
    tar xvf filename.tar
    then you can see a folder on current directiry
  3. Move the folder to themes folder
    sudo mv filename /usr/share/themes
  4. Open Tweaks and change themes on Appearence->Themes->Applications

Install macOS ICON

  1. Download file from here
    similar to install themes
  2. Decompression files and move it to /home/baddate/.icons
    maybe you should press ctrl + h to show hidden file, if it doesn’t exists, you can new one folder named .icon then move the icons foder
  3. Go to Tweaks Appearence window and select icon.

Install mac similar Shell

  1. Download file from here
  2. Select Sierra-compact-light.tar.xz orSierra-compact-dark.tar.xz.
  3. Decompression it and move it to /usr/share/themes.
  4. Go to Tweaks Appearence window and select Shell.

That’s all.
Enjoy your Ubuntu-Mac!

Sooner or later, everything ends.